Friday, August 15, 2008

Gnomon release

The Gnomon Workshop has posted in their "coming soon" section news about the release of my next training DVD. It is called "Multi-pass compositing" and deals with rendering passes out of 3ds max using several different renderers and compositing in Digital Fusion. The DVD mainly focuses on the compositing side of things. I really tried to include as much information as I could. I started off with some basics, but then I got into the "meat and potatoes," if you will, about how to work with passes. I feel that over the years I've come across many compositing work flows and issues in production and I made sure to include examples and explanations on how to deal with as many of them as I could on this DVD. I feel really good about how this DVD turned out. Hopefully if anyone reading this checks it out they'll enjoy it too. :)

One week and counting

I've just completed my first week at Digital Domain. So far its been exciting, frustrating and overwhelming at times. I've been bombarded with a ton of new software to learn, both proprietary and off the shelf. The amount of new software to learn has been the overwhelming part. Each day its gotten easier, but its still a lot to try to soak in all at once. At times its been frustrating because for the past 5 years at Blur I've known the pipeline and tools inside out. Even helped to create some of them. But now I find myself the struggling new guy all over again. So far that has been both exciting and frustrating as I mentioned before. Knowing one pipeline inside out and then being dropped into a new pipeline and software that is completely foreign has been the hard part. Your faced with wanting to produce work at the same level and speed that your used to doing, but you know no matter what that there has to be a period of time in which to learn and your going to be slower until you gain experience with the new tools and pipeline. I'm excited about learning new software and work flows. I'm also excited to get to work on different types of projects and make new friends.